Our Mission
We want to raise the voices of Hackney’s young people by creating an excellent choir — committed to being the best we can be, but also making the world a better place.
Join our Senior Choir
Thanks to support from the Young Londoners Fund, in 2019 we launched our choir for 12-18 year olds in the borough of Hackney. We are currently recruiting young people who love music from local schools and the community.
Hackney Children’s Choir
Start your musical life in the right way. Learn to read music from a young age, be confident in performance, and develop a love for singing.
Hackney senior choir
Do something remarkable with your life — make an impact through music. Challenge yourself, learn about the world, shape your own future.
help others
We help train leaders of the future — particularly those who come through our choirs.
Our Programmes
Our choirs and holiday courses provide transformative opportunities for young people aged 8-18.
Learn to read music
We pride ourselves on teaching everyone to read music —and all our rehearsals are about learning great music directly from the score.
english choral tradition
The music we sing is based on the English Choral Tradition, and spans hundreds of years. We perform music from Byrd to Bach, but also from Britten to Beyoncé.
perform regularly
Performance is at the heart of what we do — we sing throughout the year from St Paul’s Cathedral to the Royal Albert Hall and beyond. We offer world-class opportunities for young people.
We care about developing confident, skilled, and active young people, so work with organisations including Citizens UK and the Rodolfus Foundation to broaden horizons and to equip leaders of the future.

What they say about us
“I think music in Hackney Choral is both mesmerising and fun. I love it because it gives me a break from the real world, and I get to have a great time with friends who I don’t see every day.”
Member of Hackney Children’s Choir
Get Involved
We are recruiting young people, but also looking to build strong partnerships with local schools. If you would like to join one of our choirs or explore singing workshops for your school, you can contact us on musicoutreach@stpaulscathedral.org.uk.
Sign Up For a choir
We welcome prospective members on the first rehearsal of each term. We are particularly recruiting 12-18 year olds to join our new Senior Choir.
attend an event
We regularly sing concerts and services, locally in Hackney, at St Paul’s Cathedral, and further afield.
Support us
You can sponsor a young person to sing by making a donation to Hackney Choral.